How can I become a teacher after completing my BSc?

I want to start by saying that Becoming a teacher is one of the noblest and Greatest decisions one can make. So here is the information.
How to Become a Teacher here is step-by-step with full information
Becoming a teacher is one of the noblest and greatest decisions one can make. Here is your roadmap and information to becoming a teacher. 7
Determine Which Level You’d Like to Teach. Decide the level of education you are passionate about. Primary schools cover 1st through 5th grades. Secondary schools teach students in 9th and 10th grades. Senior secondary schools educate students in 11th and 12th grades (ages 16-18) for the age group you find most appealing. Remember, higher age levels require more stringent qualifications as you will be teaching more advanced courses.
Decide Which Subjects You would Like to Teach. Early primary school teachers don’t need to specialize. If you prefer to instruct in a specific field, a Bachelor’s Degree in that subject is necessary. Primary school subjects include reading, writing, arithmetic, social science, science, and English.
Secondary school subjects include Hindi, English, foreign languages, math, science and technology, history, geography, civics, art, physical education, and health. They also offer elective vocational training and music.
Get an Appropriate Teaching Degree
There are three levels of teaching degrees: Diploma, Bachelor’s, and Master’s in Education. For primary school teaching, a Diploma (D.Ted.) is required. For secondary school teaching, a Bachelor’s (B.Ed.) is necessary. A Master’s (M.Ed.) is usually required for specialized subjects or promotions.
Generally, a two-year program, requires you to have passed the 12th standard. Typically a two-year program requires a Bachelor of Arts or Sciences.
Master’s (M.Ed.):
Usually, a one-year program requires a B.Ed. as a prerequisite. Each degree program has different qualifications. To enter a D.Ted. program, you must have graduated from senior secondary school. Enrolling in a B.Ed. course requires a Bachelor’s of Arts or Sciences. Obtaining an M.Ed. necessitates a B.Ed. degree.
So, this is your roadmap to becoming a teacher.
Wish you all the best and god bless you.
Happy Teaching!